29th May 2020

May Market Overview

The Aussie share market moves out of bear market territory, hitting a 12-week high on news of further government stimulus and COVID-19 human trials kicking off. The Australian government downgraded JobKeeper dependency, seeing UBS increase its economic forecasts.

In this month's wrap, Jessica covers:

  • The three key themes that evolved this month (0:52)
  • COVID-19's worst performer now shines, Southern Cross Media (ASX:SXL) (1:15)
  • Two stocks that charged after oil rebounded 81% (1:54)
  • Three strategic ideas for next month (2:45)
  • Six trading ideas as online retail is set to surge (5:01)
  • Shedding infrastructure and REITs to trade 'working from home' stocks (6:08)